Bitcoin is dead … again.

June 17, 2022 Bitcoin price was around $22,000 USD (today’s live price below).

Above is Lyn Alden’s annotated chart (tweeted on June 14, 2022).

Note: Bitcoin growth has been exponential so it’s better visualized in a log scale.
Here is an article from Monochrome Australia that explains why.

Also very interesting: 🙂 learn more about the death of Bitcoin at:

Below is from (June 17, 2022)
Note: there are four aprox. -80% drawdowns in it !!!!!!!
Original tweet from Dan McArdle May 23, 2021

1 year-45%+4%-12%
2 years+123%+6%+18%
3 years+128%+37%+26%
4 years+212%+44%+33%
5 years+716%+48%+51%
6 years+2,673%+43%+77%
7 years+8,489%+74%+74%
8 years+3,398%+42%+87%
9 years+19,912%+40%+129%
10 years+317,202%+13%+172%

What is it: This shows bitcoin’s ROI vs other potential inflation hedge assets.

Why it matters: As with the historical bitcoin price table, we see bitcoin’s extreme outperformance vs other assets here as well. Bitcoin’s relatively small size, plus fundamental properties, yield extreme outperformance when even relatively small funds-flows find their way to BTC.

Visit for updated charts.

The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) chart is very interesting as well!