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Welcome to Nostr

Nostr = Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays Nostr is a simple open source protocol for social networks. It…


Gigi introduces himself: I'm a bitcoiner and software engineer, writing words and code for Bitcoin. My first book, 21 Lessons, is one of the most recommended books among bitcoiners. I launched various projects in the bitcoin space and am currently working on my second book, 21 Ways. My main focus is on privacy, security, free software, and education.

Gigi’s Resources Page

To get a grasp on Bitcoin you will have to read a book or two. If you only want to read one book, most people will recommend Saifedean’s The Bitcoin Standard, and for good reason. Bitcoin is money, so understanding The Ethics of Money Production is paramount to understanding what Bitcoin is about. If you need a crash-course in economics, read Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt.

Bitcoin and Moral Values

This is why Satoshi chose to build a system with an unchanging soul. This is why the rules have been "set in stone" since day one. (Post with Frederich Hayek's famous 1984 video).

21 Ways to Look at Bitcoin
Chapter Zero

From Gigi's 21 Ways Project. "Above all, Bitcoin is paradoxical. It is simple yet complicated, ever-changing yet unchangeable. A novel machine without any novel parts; a technological innovation that isn't really about technology. You can't touch it, yet it is hard money. You can't see it, yet it will show you a vision of the future ...

21 Ways to Look at Bitcoin

Gigi's introduction to his 21 Ways to Look at Bitcoin project. "Bitcoin is different things to different people". The first time I’ve heard this sentence, I immediately realized its profound truth. How you look at Bitcoin – and how you understand and describe it – depends largely on your view of the world ...